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Manage Upset In Your Life

Posted on 12:35 AM by Mr FX_is

Ever found yourself in a situation where you are blindsided by someone's bad behavior and are suddenly thrown into a downward spiral? Or maybe you are guilty of bad behavior and want to run and hide! Perhaps an unfortunate or frustrating event occurs unexpectedly. This type of thing happens to all of us at one time or another and there are ways through it. There seem to be three basic types of upsets from which all our upsets stem: Unfulfilled Expectations, Thwarted Intentions, and Undelivered Communications. Simply knowing about these upsets and being able to recognize them are powerful tools.

We must realize we're in such a situation by recognizing it for what it is: a common upset between two people or a typical unfortunate or frustrating circumstance we experience. These are a normal part of life that we don't need to resist. They will happen!

Be willing to pause and take a breath before doing or saying anything, in order to decide which type of upset this is, so that you can focus on the best approach. By doing this you can, to a certain degree, immediately diffuse the situation.

If it's an upset with someone you love or need to stay in relationship with, and you find yourself physically shaking, you can tell them that you need time to think about it and will get back to them. Then walk away temporarily to avoid further upset. When you feel strong enough, you can tell them you're sorry they feel that way and ask them what they think they need to resolve the situation, even if you feel they're wrong. The goal is to stay in communcation and work though the issue. We all need someone to simply listen to us when we're upset.

If you're in a frustrating circumstance, like waiting in line at the DMV or having a misunderstanding with someone in person or on the phone, the first thing to remember is whoever you're talking to is usually not the actual problem, so there's no need to yell at them! This is where the breathing and calm demeanor come in handy. Keep calmly asking questions to get all the info and then make the best decision possible. Often there's more than one opportunity to set things right.

Always try to focus on the positive aspects of every situation so that the negatives won't take over. Upsets are very common so there's no need to get completely overwrought and hopeless. Try to find the humor in every situation!


Date With Your Friend's Roommate

Posted on 9:53 PM by Mr FX_is

One of the most exciting times is when one of your friends gets a new roommate. It's a chance to meet somebody new, and it's an easy way to possibly meet somebody to date. Read on to learn how to date your friend's roommate.
Consider your relationship with the friend. Is it solid or is it dicey? If it's solid, then you shouldn't worry about asking the roommate out. If it's dicey, you might want to be careful.
Make sure you like this person before you ask them out. This is the advantage to this situation because you get to hang with the person a bunch before you start to date.
If you decide that you like the person enough to ask out, then make sure you ask the friend first. It's common courtesy, and also they might be able to help.
Don't flaunt your relationship in front of your friend. Act like you did when you guys were just hanging out before you started dating. The last thing you need is an annoyed friend who lives with the person you are dating, because they can easily take you down.
If you must break up, no matter how hard it might be, try to do it as nice as possible. Try to stay friends after, or at least let the person know you want to be friends. You don't want to create an ugly situation. Also, give it time before you come over and visit, but not too much time. You still want to establish that it's fine for you to come over and hang out without it being awkward.
Don't brag about the person to your friend.


How To Get Hottie

Posted on 6:17 PM by Mr FX_is

How do you attract the most desirable, attractive and interesting women around? It must take a hell of a lot of money, muscles and bragging to attract these types of girls, you say? Nope, not at all. You just need to know the secrets and dirty tricks hidden from most men.

Here’s how it all breaks down:

Most guys want a beautiful, intelligent and interesting woman as their girlfriend. Others just want to have sex with a hottie but that’s exactly the same thing. If you want GET one, you need to know the dos and don’ts

So I am going to list the most important rules to make this as simple as I can:
First, if you are NICE to her or tell her how beautiful she looks, she will just ignore you. Every guy does that, and if you want to be like every man that wanted to pick her up or she has dated in the past, you won’t go very far.

Think about it. What chances do you have if you do what everyone else does? You wouldn’t be very different? That’s why you don’t offer an attractive woman a drink. You really don’t want to be the 17th guy the same night who wants to buy her a drink, really.

Second, don’t let her know that you are hitting on her. If she sees that you are just talking to her because you just want her number and date her, it’s over. That’s what she gets day in day out: Clingy and needy guys.

If you want to get somewhere, you have to keep her on her toes, play a bit hard to get and be a challenge. If she sees that you are nice to her and tell her that she has a very beautiful smile, then she won’t get sexually attracted to you. If you act needy, clingy or buy her a drink to get her number, she will get annoyed at you because you are just like every other guy.

Third, if you aren’t sure of yourself and come off as insecure … then she will walk all over you. If you act nervous, are shaking in her presence and mumble … let me tell you she will not think you are sexy. Women don’t think it’s cute like the media tells you. They will think that you are nice and it was a nice try but they won’t think you’re right for her. You got to be strong and confident here otherwise she will just turn her back on you.

Fourth, don’t back down if she gives you a little attitude like “why are you talking to me? Don’t you have any friends? Go away”. Remember it’s a test to get rid of all the wimps and nice-guys that will just waste her time. She knows if she acts a bit cold and like a bitch, all those guys she doesn’t want will leave her alone right there. Hold your ground and chip away on her confidence by telling her “aww you are so cute, you remind me of my little bratty sister” … that will disarm her attitude within an instant.

So next time you want to chat up a real hottie, you got to use a different approach. Try this:
When she is near you, say “HEY!” … to make her turn around and get your attention. Then say “You know what … you really SUCK! [pause] … you just walked by and didn’t even smile/say hi”.

That’s your way in. Keep teasing and busting her balls until she asks you for your name. Remember, they are hotties…so you got to play a stronger game to get them!


Stop Using This Stupid Trick Now!

Posted on 7:53 PM by Mr FX_is

You see, somewhere out there on the Internet is a site
that teaches guys to print business cards with their contact
info on them and to hand them out to women at clubs, bars,
and shopping malls.

Sounds tacky, eh? Unfortuantely there are MANY guys
on my list that have actually tried this method and failed
MISERABLY. Just this week, another guy emailed me to tell me
how he has handed out 45 business cards to different women
about 2 weeks ago...and hasn't gotten a single response yet.

I am going to tell this to EVERYBODY now. This silly
trick does NOT work. It will NEVER work - unless you get
really lucky - because it is:

1) WIMPY - Admit it. You're only doing this because
you're afraid of closing for numbers.

2) WEIRD - Think about it. Does hanging out business
cards to random strangers sound like a normal person would

3) UNREALISTIC: Do you seriously think that women
will phone a stranger they don't even know?

Trust me. If you try this trick, your cards are just
going to get THROWN AWAY. Or better yet, you might get what one
of my readers got about two years ago. He handed out over 200
business cards at the Welcome Dance on his campus for all
the first year students, and about a week later he started
getting phone calls from GAY GUYS who wanted to hookup with
him. Apparently some funny guy had gotten hold of one of
his business cards and written his contact info on bathroom
walls all over campus with the following message, "BJ?

I laughed when I heard this story...but's
quite sad.

Listen. I don't care how desperate you are. But
PLEASE use your head and be careful about these types of
techniques. Before you try something from a newsletter or
ebook, think about its merits. (No, I am not slamming myself.
If I were full of BS, I wouldn't be able to send you
a fresh, original article on this newsletter every 2 days.)
If you do come across a technique that you doubt, feel free
to send it over and I will take a look. Just try to keep
your email short as I do receive a lot of emails everyday!
But don't blindly do anything stupid such as handing out
200 business cards to random strangers at a club.


Find Love In 2008

Posted on 12:32 AM by Mr FX_is

Where does one go to find love? It all depends on what love means to you. Love can mean a feeling you feel when eating a decadent chocolate dessert so rich in flavor that words could never express a love for such an incredibly delicious tasty treat or it could mean an undying affection for someone who is yet to find out that their very presence causes heart palpitations that never seem to end when they walk by. Love is all around us and yet some are still seeking to find it. Maybe it is like that pot of gold at the end of every rainbow, knowingly availably but never realistically obtainable or it may be within reach, close by, next door or right beside us. No matter where love is found, the end result should only be the beginning to a happier and more fulfilled life. No one should be without it.

There are no steps to go through in finding love and there is no time frame in finding it. However, when searching to find what mankind has longed to have and hold forever unto eternity, it is best found from first looking within. Before setting out on a quest to find where love resides, think about what would make someone love you!

You might think you know what love is and you might have an inclination where to find it because you overheard the other day that there is a new love in town. But, before you go out to love and conquer, take time to find out first what love is. Once you understand better what it is, then finding it will make it a whole

Love can be a flower, a book, a place, a feeling, a smell a taste a beautiful picture or a culmination of several things. Love can be a song, a child, a color, an animal or a cloud that takes shape in the sky. Love is different for everyone and sometimes love is far away. Love can laugh and love can cry and love can be in every day. But, no matter where love lives, when it is found, it will never go away.

The best place to find love is deep within. Who knows, love might just find you!

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Not Be A Nice Guy

Posted on 12:26 AM by Mr FX_is

As we all know, the phrase “nice guy” has a vastly different meaning in dating than it does in the real world. Real-world “nice guys” help old ladies across the street, lend neighbors their power tools, and treat friends to dinner, while dating “nice guys” are routinely dumped (“You’re a nice guy, Harold, but it’s just not working for me.”) or heard loudly defending themselves in bars (“I’m a nice guy, aren’t I? I guess she wants to date someone who treats her badly.”). Here’s how not to be so “nice” in your next relationship.

Know your terminology. “Nice” is a vague, innocuous-sounding word that covers a vast territory. A woman is unlikely to say “I’m sorry, Jason, but if I wanted to date someone who can explain the difference between arugula and radicchio I’d have lunch with my girlfriend” when she can just issue a vague “You’re a nice guy, Jason, but…” In other words, “nice” can mean all sorts of things, ranging from “wimpy” to “indecisive” to “not very exciting you-know-where.”

Examine your behavior. Once you have some inkling what part of the broad bandwidth of your behavior the word “nice” applies to, do some introspection and choose a better word. Are you too passive when it comes to making the first move? Do you agree with everything your date says, for fear of getting into an argument? Are you so careful about what you say, you never say anything interesting?

Try to change—but not what’s genuinely “nice.” Everyone has something nice about them; perhaps it’s your sense of humor, or the way you interact with kids. Leave these nice things alone. But if you sense your date is using the word “nice” to mean any of the things in Step 2, it may be time to reassess your dating style. Yes, women like nice guys, but they also like guys with personalities who are capable of occasionally asserting themselves

Don’t fool yourself. If you’ve ever emitted that “But I’m a nice guy!” complaint, it’s time to realistically assess your situation. Most women do not want to date someone who mistreats them, so if you think the choice comes down to your “nice guy” self and some troglodytic wife-beater, you have bigger problems than finding a date. In other words, take responsibility for your own actions, and don't blame the women who find you uninteresting.

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Get Your ex girlfriend back

Posted on 12:24 AM by Mr FX_is

When the person you love breaks up with you, often you aren't exactly satisfied with that situation. Most of us in that position would love nothing more than to fix whatever was broken and heal the relationship...but few of us do. Why? The answer may surprise you. There are a number of factors that all contribute to whether or not you're successful in your campaign to get your ex back. I'm going to list the 3 biggest ones, with a brief explanation of each, so that you may understand exactly how you need to approach the goal of reuniting with your ex.

1) The first point I'll cover is your Viewpoint. How you look at the relationship, its end, and your aim to rebuild it makes all the difference. If you look at yourself as a victim, whether it be of your ex's unfairness or your own relationship-fatal mistakes, you'll never find the strength to rise above and succeed in winning back your ex. It's important to understand that mistakes can be made by anyone, and feeling sorry for yourself or mad at your ex won't help you any. Look at this breakup as an opportunity for learning and self-betterment. If you can fix the biggest problems in your relationship, that relationship will be so much more positive, and you'll be so much happier. Use this as a springboard to renovate yourself and your life.

2) Another big factor is motivation. This ties in with the viewpoint, as the right way of looking at something can change your will to accomplish it, but it deserves its own slot in this list. Motivation is more than simply telling your mirror that you're going to get your ex back. It's about getting up and doing what it takes to achieve your goal! To get your ex back will require some serious finesse, a lot of care, and a lot of work addressing your main relationship-based problems. Some of the problems that can fragment relationships can be really tough to overcome, but if you're serious about getting your ex back you have to put in the effort to do so. Motivation is key...if don't have the drive to pursue what you want, somebody else will probably get it instead.

3) Last thing I'm going to cover is how aggressively you pursue your ex. Getting your ex back is a delicate process, and rushing things too aggressively will only succeed in pushing your ex further away. Obviously that's not what you're after, so taking some care in how forward and pushy you are about things is definitely advised. Your ex is probably going to still be hurting after the breakup, and wary of the things that ended the relationship still being there to hurt him/her again. You have move at whatever pace your ex is comfortable with, or else you're just going to put the nails in the coffin of your relationship. Keep things light and simple until your ex is clearly ready. It's not an easy thing to try to get your ex back. It usually requires a lot of work and sacrifice, but if your ex means that much to you I probably don't have to give you some inspiring speech to pump your motivation...I imagine that your love for the person and the agony of the separation is probably enough for you. All I can do is wish you luck, and hope that you remember what I've told you today.

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Warm Your Wife's Heart

Posted on 12:10 AM by Mr FX_is

Hey guys, warm your wife's heart in the little ways.

Here it's goes:

-Buy your wife a fresh bouquet of roses.

-Buy a matching fake rose.

-Slide the fake rose into the bouquet of real roses.

-Tell your wife this. "I will love you until the last rose dies." She won't know what you did and she will think your being a nut for a while but it's worth it in the end.

-But don't tell her what you did! Let her find out on her own. She will wonder why they all dried up and died and one lived, she'll remember what you said and before she notices its fake she'll think you pulled a miracle. This is just one way to warm her heart. Doing hidden things like this is what I love about relationships.


Watch your Face Right!

Posted on 12:06 AM by Mr FX_is

This is an easy, simple guide to keeping your face clean! So safe you can (and should) do it daily! Please comment if you would like more specific beauty advice. There are so many things you can do AT HOME to look years younger, or to keep up your already youthful appearance.

Once the water warms, use your hands to get your face damp. Put a portion of your cleanser in the palm of your hand, and start washing your face. Start with small circles on your cheeks and work around until you have covered your whole face.

RINSE!! Using a sponge, warm water, and circular motions remove all of the cleanser from your face, ears and neck (if it is there). I like to rinse twice, just to make sure all of the cleanser is removed.

Pat dry with towel. Apply Moisturizer with SPF and let sit at least 2 minutes before applying makeup.

That's it. This can be done before bed or in the morning. If you're not cleansing your face before bed you still need to remove your makeup. Sleeping in makeup will age you faster than you think!!


Cure Pimple With Herbs

Posted on 12:00 AM by Mr FX_is

The sebum and dead cells clogging the pores on the skin cause pimples. Over-the-counter medications do not work the same way for each person and it can be expensive to try new products in the market. Here are some purse-friendly ways to fix pimples using herbs and ingredients from the kitchen without any side effects.
Things You'll Need:
  • Mint leaves
  • Lemon juice
  • Turmeric
  • Tomato juice
  • Garlic
  • Yogurt
  • Sandalwood powder
  • Rosewater
  • Apple

Step 1:Grind a handful of fresh mint leaves with a few drops of lemon juice and turmeric powder. Apply this paste on the pimples and let it dry. Wash it off with water. Turmeric has an antibacterial property that kills germs and the lemon juice controls the sebum balance on the skin.

Step 2:Apply tomato juice on the pimples if you have dry skin. Take a few tomatoes, puree them, pour them in an ice cube tray and freeze. Gently, rub this cube each day on pimple prone areas.

Step 3:Crush finely a few pods of garlic then add 2 drops of honey and some yogurt to make a paste. Apply the paste to the pimples but expect a slight tingling sensation. After it drys, wash it gently without scrubbing. Remember to use the paste only on the pimples, as the acidity in the garlic stings normal skin.

Step 4:Make a paste of sandalwood powder and rosewater. Apply this paste on the affected area overnight and wash it in the morning. Sandalwood lessens irritation thereby reducing swelling.

Step 5:Take an apple, peel and grate it to extract the juice. Add 1 tsp. of honey and dab gently on the pimples. Repeat this treatment at least twice a day to dry the pimple.


Enjoy The Beach!

Posted on 11:54 PM by Mr FX_is

The beach can provide all kinds of activities from intense sports like volleyball and surfing, to the calm sound of crashing waves and a comfortable chair. Nothing ruins a day on the beach faster than being unprepared. Here's how to get the most out of your day on the beach.
Find the right beach. If you are looking for a relaxing getaway, you may not want to be on a beach in the middle of spring break central. Look for locations that offer exactly what you're looking for.
Make sure the weather is right. The worst thing that can happen on your day at the beach is a tropical storm rolling through your sunny day. Check the weather before you leave your home or hotel before you leave so you don't meet any surprises once you have reached the sand. Check the temperature, wind and tides.
Follow your natural tendencies. Are you a day person or a night person? Do you like shade or sun? Are you low energy or high energy? Find the beach that offers the most for your needs. If the thought of wind surfing makes you queasy, don't bother. If you know you don't wake up until noon, don't plan a morning trip.
Check for rental sites for your beach and make sure they deliver. Everybody needs a place to sit down and get out of the sun, and you can minimize headache by having less to drag from your car. Beaches often offer rental chairs and umbrellas for a fee, and will often set them up for you upon arrival. The same goes for equipment, food and drinks. Keep it simple and you'll have a great time.


A Complete Way To Write a Resume

Posted on 11:51 PM by Mr FX_is

Want to write a winning resume? Here's what you need to do.
Be Concise - There is a fine line between detailed and boring when it comes to resumes. If you take to long to tell your story, it will not get read. Job hunting is a sales process.
Do Include Multiple Contact Info - Your home phone, cell, work phone and email address should be on the resume as well as your mailing address. Regarding employers, list names, city and state as well as dates of when you worked there. You may use years alone as in “2002-2007”, but be consistent throughout the document.

Be Specific - Talk about your accomplishments in very specific terms. The same goes for skills. What computer software are you familiar with in detail and any industry specific software. How much gross profit margin did your store increase by since you started work. People do not want a task list, they want to know what you have accomplished.

Be Neat - Yes, everything counts including spelling, formatting and writing style. Make sure your document is flawless, or you could be rejected because you appear to be careless.

Be Honest - You want to give your best impression but be careful not to over-embellish. Never say anything on a resume that is not entirely true. If you are close to getting your degree, you can say you are a B.S. degree candidate and give a date when you expect to finish your program. Do not include reasons for leaving your jobs on the resume, save that for the interview.

include an Objective - Include a brief line or two on your overall objective for the future of your career but you may need to adjust it to suit the job you are currently applying for. Make your objective realistic and as open ended as possible, without being vague. Follow these principles and you will find will find the job of your dreams given time, persistent effort and appropriate follow up.


Plan Your Financial Future

Posted on 11:47 PM by Mr FX_is

Here’s how it should be done: If you’re a high net worth individual with a complex financial situation, you probably need a highly specialized fee-based financial planner (but you probably already have one, so I’m not writing this for you). If you’re among the rest of us, find an independent advisor from a trustworthy source. (An independent advisor is one who can offer many products from many companies, and who has no assigned sales quotas.) A referral from a trusted friend or relative usually works best. Don’t concern yourself with credentials. While education and training are certainly important, demonstrated loyalty and integrity are much more critical. If the advisor has done well by someone you trust, he’ll probably do alright by you too.

The advisor’s objective in your initial meeting is to establish a sense of trust. Consider carefully how he goes about this. Is he confident? Does he seem to know what he’s talking about? Does he care about helping me, or just reeling me in? Is he trying to offer me a solution before he’s had an opportunity to understand the problem? Is he flashing around titles and credentials as if that’s all I should need to know about him?

Be informed about the topics discussed. Read a book. E-mail Suze Orman (unless, it’s an insurance question – doesn’t appear to be her forte). Subscribe to the Motley Fool website. Talk to your parents or someone else savvy. If necessary, see a fee-based advisor for a second opinion.

Finally, do something! Rarely is the result of implementing mediocre advice worse than the consequences of inaction and procrastination. Also, do your business with the guy who devised your plan. He worked hard and deserves to get paid for it. If you choose to also visit a fee-based advisor, and he recommends something else, he’s earned his fee. Your original guy has still earned the right to implement any solution. And if you feel he’s done a good job for you, you also owe him the names and contact information of your closest dozen or so friends and relatives.


Behave During A Divorce

Posted on 11:43 PM by Mr FX_is

You rarely hear of a divorce that ends happily. It is a difficult time for everyone that has to be seen through to the end. If you are upset about your pending divorce, there are some things you should not do. It is crucial to keep your anger in check.

Move away from your spouse to avoid conflicts or have your spouse move out. Begin searching for a new place to stay and begin getting used to living without him. It will be less stressful than being together in the same space.

Do not stalk your future ex-mate. It is often times difficult to sever the relationship binds that tied you together, but do not let the idea of not being able to let go become an obsession.

Stay out of their new love life. It may be hard to see your ex-lover with another person. For this reason, it is best to avoid seeing them at all. Stay busy and do not allow yourself to get depressed or stay angry.

Go on a vacation. The stress of a divorce is comparable to that of a death of a loved one or losing a job. It can cause you to do things you will regret. Getting away from it all, somewhere your ex won't be--or anyone else you know, is sometimes a good idea.

Let go of resentment and forgive. Forgiveness is for your benefit. To forgive, be willing to feel your hurt. Your ex-mate is most likely doing the best she can with her limited ability. Forgive him for his weaknesses.

Move on. To help you get over your ex and focus on yourself, reach out to friends and consider dating. You may find someone who relates well to you, and who will help you realize you can move on with your life.


Keep Teeth With Naturally

Posted on 1:58 AM by Mr FX_is

There are many effective methods of teeth whitening available, but some come with heavy price tags. Here are some steps you can take at home to whiten teeth naturally without breaking the bank.
Limit your consumption of drinks that stain tooth enamel. A few of these include coffee, tea and red wine. If you simply can't cut back on these beverages, consider drinking them though a straw to limit the amount of liquid that actually comes in contact with teeth.
Brush your teeth immediately after eating, especially if eating foods that stain easily, such as berries.
Rub raw strawberries on your teeth, preferably pureed. There is an enzyme in strawberries that acts as a whitening agent. You'll want to brush and rinse after applying the strawberries to remove the natural sugars and acids they may leave behind.
Eat crunchy foods that require a lot of chewing such as carrots, celery, broccoli and apples. These foods are abrasive and will remove built up plaque, which dulls the appearance of teeth.
Dip your toothbrush directly into baking soda and brush. The results are worth the lousy taste.
Combine lemon juice and one teaspoon of salt to make a paste-like substance. Brush your teeth and rinse. Again, not so pleasant on the palate, but your teeth will thank you.
Use hydrogen peroxide to brush your teeth. Dip your toothbrush into a small capful of the peroxide and brush as you would with regular toothpaste, being careful not to swallow. Rinse with water


Improve Your Pool Game

Posted on 1:54 AM by Mr FX_is

Skilled pool players have an annoying habit of making the game look easy. The following steps will help you overcome the most common challenge in pool--handling very long shots where the smallest error will result in a wide miss.
Use your cue stick as a sight by placing the tip of the cue stick in the target pocket. Align the stick across the middle of the ball you intend to sink. The stick now traces a line through the ball to the pocket. Where this line (your stick) crosses the outer edge of the ball is the point where you want to hit it with the cue ball.
After you are in position and have lined up the shot, don't look at the target ball, look at the cue ball. Strike the cue ball with your stick slightly below the center line.
Keep your shooting arm close to your body and your elbow bent at 90 degrees. The shooting movement should come from your shoulder. Use only enough force to make the shot. Additional power is not necessary and can disrupt your aim.
