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Cure Pimple With Herbs

Posted on 12:00 AM by Mr FX_is

The sebum and dead cells clogging the pores on the skin cause pimples. Over-the-counter medications do not work the same way for each person and it can be expensive to try new products in the market. Here are some purse-friendly ways to fix pimples using herbs and ingredients from the kitchen without any side effects.
Things You'll Need:
  • Mint leaves
  • Lemon juice
  • Turmeric
  • Tomato juice
  • Garlic
  • Yogurt
  • Sandalwood powder
  • Rosewater
  • Apple

Step 1:Grind a handful of fresh mint leaves with a few drops of lemon juice and turmeric powder. Apply this paste on the pimples and let it dry. Wash it off with water. Turmeric has an antibacterial property that kills germs and the lemon juice controls the sebum balance on the skin.

Step 2:Apply tomato juice on the pimples if you have dry skin. Take a few tomatoes, puree them, pour them in an ice cube tray and freeze. Gently, rub this cube each day on pimple prone areas.

Step 3:Crush finely a few pods of garlic then add 2 drops of honey and some yogurt to make a paste. Apply the paste to the pimples but expect a slight tingling sensation. After it drys, wash it gently without scrubbing. Remember to use the paste only on the pimples, as the acidity in the garlic stings normal skin.

Step 4:Make a paste of sandalwood powder and rosewater. Apply this paste on the affected area overnight and wash it in the morning. Sandalwood lessens irritation thereby reducing swelling.

Step 5:Take an apple, peel and grate it to extract the juice. Add 1 tsp. of honey and dab gently on the pimples. Repeat this treatment at least twice a day to dry the pimple.
