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classic gentleman

Posted on 3:57 AM by Mr FX_is

Being important is quite a challenge and dressing to fit the professional look can be a trying period. All you need do, is relax, massage your own head scalp for a few minutes so that ideas can flow through. You should find the clever looks from the mind, to slowly see yourself in to make the best classic look ever, for yourself.

Striped suits present the comfortable appearance. This classic style give a man of 'no risk' in mind attitude. It also suits the 'sometimes open minded' gentleman.

The polka dot detail tie adds to the classic tradition and combing your hair backwards or leaving it well shaven airs the formality you want to achieve.

The classic gentleman needs the fitting double cuff shirt with gold cufflinks in place.

Make a hanky of the breast pockets. Make sure it is visible, you don't want anything looking out of place. Always have another hanky inside of your breast pocket of suit jacket as a spare.
